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Automating the manufacturing process under a web based framework." Advances in Engineering Software 40 (2009): 956-964.
J43.pdf (1.13 MB)
Branty: A Social Media Ranking Tool for Brands." In ECML/PKDD (3), edited by Toon Calders, Floriana Esposito, Eyke Hullermeier and Rosa Meo, 432-435. Vol. 8726. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8726. Springer, 2014.
"CDNs Content Outsourcing via Generalized Communities." IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 21 (2009): 137-151.
J38.pdf (2.5 MB)
CDNs Content Outsourcing via Generalized Communities." IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 21 (2009): 137-151.
J38.pdf (2.5 MB)
CDNsim: A simulation tool for content distribution networks." ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 20 (2010).
J45.pdf (842.84 KB)
CDNsim: A simulation tool for content distribution networks." ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 20 (2010).
J45.pdf (842.84 KB)
City exploration by use of spatio-temporal analysis and clustering of user contributed photos." In ICMR, edited by Francesco G. B. De Natale, Alberto Del Bimbo, Alan Hanjalic, B. S. Manjunath and Shin’ichi Satoh, 65. ACM, 2011.
"Class-based Prediction Errors to Categorize Text with Out-of-vocabulary Words. ALW1'17. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
Paper (211.93 KB)

Class-based Prediction Errors to Categorize Text with Out-of-vocabulary Words. ALW1'17. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
Paper (211.93 KB)

Class-based Prediction Errors to Categorize Text with Out-of-vocabulary Words. ALW1'17. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
Paper (211.93 KB)

Clustering subjects in a credential-based access control framework." Computers & Security 26 (2007): 120-129.
PDF (572.55 KB)
ClustTour: city exploration by use of hybrid photo clustering." In ACM Multimedia, edited by Alberto Del Bimbo, Shih-Fu Chang and Arnold W. M. Smeulders, 1617-1620. ACM, 2010.
"Community Detection in Social Media by Leveraging Interactions and Intensities." In WISE (2), edited by Xuemin Lin, Yannis Manolopoulos, Divesh Srivastava and Guangyan Huang, 57-72. Vol. 8181. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8181. Springer, 2013.
PDF (442.9 KB)
Contextual object category recognition for RGB-D scene labeling." Robotics and Autonomous Systems 62 (2014): 241-256.
"Correlating Time-Related Data Sources with Co-clustering." In WISE, edited by James Bailey, David Maier, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Bernhard Thalheim and Xiaoyang Sean Wang, 264-279. Vol. 5175. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5175. Springer, 2008.
C61.pdf (497.83 KB)
Credential-Based Policies Management in an Access Control Framework Protecting XML Resources." In ISCIS, edited by Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, Hüsnü Yenigün, Selim Balcisoy and Yücel Saygin, 603-612. Vol. 4263. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4263. Springer, 2006.
C53.pdf (1.51 MB)
Credential-Based Policies Management in an Access Control Framework Protecting XML Resources." In ISCIS, edited by Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, Hüsnü Yenigün, Selim Balcisoy and Yücel Saygin, 603-612. Vol. 4263. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4263. Springer, 2006.
C53.pdf (1.51 MB)
Credential-Based Policies Management in an Access Control Framework Protecting XML Resources." In ISCIS, edited by Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, Hüsnü Yenigün, Selim Balcisoy and Yücel Saygin, 603-612. Vol. 4263. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4263. Springer, 2006.
C53.pdf (1.51 MB)
Credential-Based Policies Management in an Access Control Framework Protecting XML Resources." In ISCIS, edited by Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, Hüsnü Yenigün, Selim Balcisoy and Yücel Saygin, 603-612. Vol. 4263. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4263. Springer, 2006.
C53.pdf (1.51 MB)
Detecting Aggressors and Bullies on Twitter In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. WWW '17 Companion. Perth, Australia: ACM, 2017.
PDF (166.61 KB)
Poster (876.34 KB)

Dynamic Code Generation for Cultural Content Management." In Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 21-24. IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
PDF (187.93 KB)
Emotional Aware Clustering on Micro-blogging Sources." In ACII (1), edited by Sidney K. D’Mello, Arthur C. Graesser, Björn Schuller and Jean-Claude Martin, 387-396. Vol. 6974. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6974. Springer, 2011.
C81.pdf (269.97 KB)
Evaluating the utility of content delivery networks." In UPGRADE-CN, edited by Giancarlo Fortino, Carlo Mastroianni, Al-Mukaddim Khan Pathan and Athena Vakali, 11-20. ACM, 2009.
C67.pdf (205.12 KB)
FRES-CAR: An Adaptive Cache Replacement Policy." In WIRI, 74-81. IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
C42.pdf (327.32 KB)
Hate is not Binary: Studying Abusive Behavior of #GamerGate on Twitter. HT '17. Prague, Czech Republic: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.21 MB)
Presentation (1.52 MB)